Achieve zero report of infection cases with 100% prevention and control

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ARN group's main measures to combat the new coronavirus epidemic situation

Life is more important than Mount Tai, the epidemic situation is the order, and prevention and control is the responsibility. In order to do a good job in the prevention and control of the new coronavirus epidemic situation and ensure the life, health and safety of all employees of the group and the production and operation of the group companies, on the morning of January 26, Comrade Cao Lixin, secretary of the party committee and general manager of the group, held the epidemic prevention Special meeting on control work, implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and fully deploy the Group's prevention and control work.

First of all, the establishment of the new coronavirus epidemic prevention and control emergency command center of the group, with the group party secretary and general manager Comrade Cao Lixin as the chief commander, deputy general manager Comrade Liu Tongqing, deputy secretary of the group party committee Cai Xiangdong served as deputy general commander. The members of the command center are composed of Chinese business personnel and branch secretaries of all subordinate companies of the group. Under the command center, there is an emergency office and Wu Zhenhai, the vice chairman of the labor union, serves as the director of the office.There are seven emergency teams under the emergency office, namely: emergency supplies procurement guarantee team, medical technology team, Hubei personnel registration team, temperature detection and safety disinfection team, logistics service guarantee team, public opinion monitoring team, and foreign resident contact group.The purpose of the group's "prevention index" is "to achieve zero reporting of infection cases with 100% prevention and control". In the following days, under the leadership of the ARN group's Prevention and Control Command Center, the teams launched an anti-epidemic defense battle.

1. Cancel the vacation and enter the fighting state

The members of the company's prevention and control command center, all branch secretaries, party cadres, and members of the epidemic prevention team all cancel their vacations, and must ensure that they are on duty or working, and require everyone to carry out various prevention and control work with a highly serious and responsible attitude.


2. Personnel involved in Hubei (Wuhan)

The members of the personnel registration team first designed the "questionnaire survey" of employees, allowing each employee to fill out the "application form", thoroughly arranging the four types of people, as well as those who returned to Anqing from outside the city and those who were still in the field.

The first line is implemented to teams and groups, and the second line is implemented to various departments. Reasonable division of labor, give full play to the power of grass-roots party organizations, track and locate each employee’s location, health status and other data and information, and manage it dynamically. These personnel information and data should be reported not only to the Group’s prevention and control command center, but also to the epidemic prevention and control headquarters, health and health committee, and community residents’ committee of the Development Zone Management Committee. Joint prevention and control with the community.

As of 5 p.m. on February 14, 47 people from the four types of people were touched, 111 people returned to Anqing from outside the city for isolation, and 98 were still in the field.

3. Procurement guarantee for emergency materials.

The emergency materials procurement and security team acted immediately, day and night, with the spirit of selflessness and the fastest speed, they purchased various types of emergency materials from various manufacturers in different places. Ensure the supply of emergency materials such as masks and temperature guns.

As of 5 pm on February 14th, 66,480 masks, 1,625 pairs of protective glasses, 136 sets of protective clothing, 37 temperature measuring guns, and 84 disinfectants of 990 kg have been established to fully protect the company's materials for the prevention and control of the epidemic Demand.

The emergency supplies procurement support team has also established an account for emergency supplies, which dynamically manages the data of the quantity of goods received, the number of goods shipped, and the number of stocks, and updates and reports the data daily to the group's prevention and control command center.

4. Body temperature monitoring

The "Management Regulations for Temperature Measurement of Personnel" has been formulated, which clearly stipulates the scope, work responsibilities, work procedures and work requirements of temperature measurement personnel. 100% of all personnel (company leaders, management personnel, employees, outsourcing personnel, visiting personnel, etc.) shall be used to measure body temperature, and those with abnormal body temperature shall immediately report and contact the medical technical team. The members of the temperature measurement team carefully make records, summarize and analyze and report the data daily.

5. Safety and disinfection

The "Regulations on the Management of Disinfection in Public Areas" have been formulated, which clearly stipulates the specific disinfection standards for disinfection areas, disinfection methods, disinfection frequency, hand sanitizer provision, and management of waste masks.

For employees’ private cars, vehicle disinfection is fixed twice a day; in principle, foreign vehicles are not allowed to enter the company. If they do need to enter the company, after the registration of the vehicle and personnel and temperature measurement, disinfect the vehicle and follow Park in the designated area.

6. Publicity and guidance, information disclosure

The company reminds all employees through mobile APP, WeChat public account, internal and external websites, promotional slogans, electronic display screens, etc.: self-protection measures such as wearing masks, not gathering, not going out, washing hands frequently, ventilating and so on. The medical technical team also carries out prevention and control of employees, health management, psychological communication and counseling. The staff selection registration team also produced a "one piece of paper" "Notice of Employee Reinstatement and Return to Work" and "Commitment of Employee Reinstatement and Return to Work", and sent relevant notes to each employee in the form of "one piece of paper" In hand, let every employee understand clearly. Guide everyone to consciously maintain social stability, do not believe in rumors, or spread rumors.

Form an information daily report working system. Under the guidance of the company's prevention and control headquarters, each emergency team established a "new coronavirus epidemic situation Situation Emergency Management and Control" working group. The emergency office uses the working group to report various information and put forward various requirements every day, so that the information is open, transparent and shared .

7. Reduce personnel gathering

Go to work at the different peak. In order to minimize the concentration of staff, the company adjusted the working hours of regular shift staff to reduce the concentration of staff with early shifts.

Dining at the different peak. Divide into several batches for dining, lengthen the dining time, "one person and one table" to eat according to the designated seats, to ensure a safe distance of "more than 1 meter". And remind employees not to speak when eating, the cafeteria staff disinfects the dining table directly in each batch, so that employees can rest assured to eat. For conditional positions, we encourage you to get lunch from the cafeteria.


Compress the number of people who come to work in the company. In addition to the four types of people found out who do not notify the company to come to work, the company reduces the number of people who work as much as possible. Some non-essential and non-emergent second-line administrative workers are notified not to come to work. The company encourages everyone to work at home. .

Do not concentrate on meetings. Everyone is required to carry out work through telephone, video conference, WeChat workgroup, email, etc., and do not focus on meetings and training. Travel that is not very urgent and necessary is minimized. If you really need to travel or move, you must report in advance and get approval before you can move, and at the same time require adequate protection measures.

8. Prevention and control work plan

The company has prepared a detailed and complete prevention and control work plan, clarified the emergency organization and members, clarified the work responsibilities and work standards, and the members of each department and emergency team strictly implemented the work and responsibilities in accordance with the prevention and control work plan. .

9. Promote the resumption of production in an orderly manner

According to the requirements of the Development Zone Management Committee Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters, the company prepares and applies in advance. The District Epidemic Prevention and Control Command arranges an expert team to conduct on-site inspections and guidance to the company to guide and help enterprises in the prevention and control of epidemic situation. Under the premise, the work of resuming production will be promoted in an orderly manner.

10. Fight against the epidemic and love without borders

Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus epidemic situation, the Group has urgently deployed all the company's epidemic prevention and control work. While protecting the safety and health of all employees, it actively carried out donation activities, fulfilled its social responsibilities, and helped Anqing people win the epidemic prevention and control battle. Anqing City Charity Association donated 1.3 million yuan. In addition, the group partners Japan TPR and Tenneco also planned to donate 200,000 yuan respectively, with a cumulative donation of 1.7 million yuan.

Fighting against the epidemic, defending the soil and doing their responsibilities, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, under the strong guidance of the Epidemic Prevention and Control Command of the Development Zone Management Committee, under the hard work of the Group’s prevention and control command center and the members of the emergency response team, all employees’ With active cooperation, as of 5 pm on February 14, 2020, the company achieved the goal of "zero" infection cases, and the rate of employees returning to work also reached 94%.


(Wu Zhenhai, Zhang Weixia, February 15th, 2020)

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