To grasp epidemic prevention and control on one hand ; To resume production as soon as possible on the other hand ; Both hands must be tough

发布时间: 人气:0 来源:admin

On the morning of February 20, Li Jianzhong, vice governor of Anhui Province, and his entourage came to ARN group to supervise the epidemic prevention and recovery work. ARN group general manager Cao Lixin, deputy general manager Liu Tongqing, assistant president Cai Xiangdong, ATG executive general manager Zhu Huashan and others received Li Jianzhong and his party.

Accompanied by General Manager Cao, the supervision team visited the manufacturing site of ATG and then held a brief discussion. At the meeting, General Manager Liu and General Manager Cao successively reported on the situation of the prevention and control of the epidemic situation and the resumption of production of ARN group. Vice Governor Li affirmed ARN group's active response to the new crown infection epidemic, deploying measures in advance, grasping the epidemic prevention and control on the one hand, and resuming production and production on the other hand. Governor Li emphasized that the current epidemic situation is still grim and the prevention and control work cannot be relaxed, and he hopes to continue to implement strict anti-epidemic measures to ensure the health and safety of employees. At the symposium, President Cao also put forward his own views on the most prominent logistics problems facing the market and how to restore market vitality. Governor Li said that the government will find ways to help solve the difficulties encountered by enterprises in resuming production and production. Provide a strong and strong guarantee for enterprise development.

Huang Jie, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Standing Committee of Anqing Municipal Committee, and Wu Sanjiu, Director of the Municipal Economic Development Zone Management Committee, and other municipal leaders accompanied the supervision. (Zhang Weixia)


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