Anhui Ring New Group Co., Ltd. and Anhui Anqing Technical College School enterprise cooperation signing, donation and unveiling ceremony was held successfully

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On the morning of May 15, Anhui Ring New Group Co., Ltd. and Anhui Anqing Technician College School-Enterprise cooperation signing, donation and unveiling ceremony were successfully held in the training classroom of the teaching building. The meeting was chaired by Li Kerang, director of the Anqing Public Employment and Entrepreneurship Service Center. The main leaders of the two parties were: Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager ofRing New Group Cao Lixin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Ring New Group and Chairman of the Labor Union Cai Xiangdong, senior manager of Ring New Group, ATG Company Executive General Manager Zhu Huashan, Vice Chairman of Ring New Group Labor Union, Director of Human Resources Wu Zhenhai, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Dean of the Technological College Yao Zhigang and Party Committee Member of the College, Deputy Dean and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee attended the meeting; Fang Junping, director of Anqing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Yu Weigen, deputy director, Bi Mingsheng, deputy secretary and dean of the party committee of Anqing Vocational and Technical College, secretary general of Anqing Vocational Education Group, full-time secretary of Anqing Higher Education Working Committee, deputy secretary of Anqing Education and Sports Working Committee Chen Yaling, deputy secretary general of Anqing Vocational Education Group, Wu Zongya, an investigator of Anqing Higher Education Working Committee, and Cao Lingyun, chief economist of Anqing City Finance Bureau were invited to attend the meeting.


At the signing ceremony, Secretary Cao of Ring New Group and Dean Yao of Technician College delivered speeches on behalf of both the school and the enterprise. Over the past few years, the two sides have established a good cooperative relationship. This school-enterprise cooperation aims to deepen the dual-subject school-enterprise education, pilot a new "apprentice-to-work" enterprise new apprenticeship training model, and explore the mutual retention of local enterprises by schools and enterprises. "Usable" high-quality, high-skilled application-oriented talent. According to the needs of talent training and career development, 100 people will be recruited from the 2020 freshmen of Anqing Technician College to set up the "  ring new class", and the first title class will set up CNC machining technology and electromechanical equipment installation and maintenance. In order to better strengthen the training of students in the title class, Cai Xiangdong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Ring New Group and chairman of the labor union, donated 600,000 RMB to Anqing Technician College at the signing ceremony on behalf of Ring New Group for the joint construction of "Anhui Anqing" "Technology College Open Skills Training Base" project.


At the signing ceremony, Bi Mingsheng, Secretary General of Anqing Vocational Education Group, on behalf of the Vocational Education Group, expressed warm congratulations on the school-enterprise cooperation, and thanked the Municipal People's Social and Social Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau, the Municipal Finance Bureau and other government functional departments for Anqing Vocational Education The Group's vigorous support and in-depth guidance in running schools, and took this opportunity to put forward three ideas: First, to strengthen the double master sportsman of school and enterprise. To deepen school-enterprise cooperation, it is necessary to train not only high-skilled students but also "dual teacher" teachers to promote the exchange of talents between schools and enterprises; the second is to promote the cultural exchange between schools and enterprises. Introduce corporate culture, craftsmanship, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship history into the campus platform; the third is to implement "20 vocational education".


After the signing and donation ceremony, the participating leaders and guests moved to the gate of the college. Under the witness of Secretary-General Bi and Dean Yao, Minister Fang and Secretary Cao jointly unveiled the "Anhui Ring New Group Co., Ltd. Skilled Personnel Training Base".


The successful holding of the school-enterprise cooperation gave play to the advantages of both the enterprise and the college, and provided more space for the school-enterprise to further develop multi-level, multi-form, and multi-field cooperation, and realized the organic integration and optimization of school-enterprise resources. Configuration provides a new opportunity for jointly training the talents needed for economic and social development.

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